Unisys Mixed Bowling League 2004-2005

Season-End Reports

ABC and WIBC provide trinkets for the following achievements. 

Achievement  Award Trinket Type
League High Average (one ABC, one WIBC)  Patch
League High Series (one ABC, one WIBC) Colored enamel lapel pin
League Most Improved Average (one ABC, one WIBC) Brass key fob
Mixed League Overall Champion Colored enamel lapel pin 
(One for each member of the champion team) 

Additionally, DWBA (the Detroit Women's Bowling Association) gives a vinyl (or plastic?) mini wallet to the woman who earns the High Game award for the season. 

Below are award reports/lists/statistics you may be interested in. 

Season High Scores 
For high scores that will be awarded at the banquet, refer to the standings sheet for Week 24. 
(The top two places in each category receive prize payouts from our league.) 

Team High Game (scratch) 
Team High Game (handicap) 
Team High Series (scratch) 
Team High Series (handicap)
Individual High Game (scratch) 
Individual High Game (handicap) 
Individual High Series (scratch) 
Individual High Series (handicap)
High Average (men) 
High Average (women) 
Most Improved Average (men) 
Most Improved Average (women) 

Week 24 standings Page 1 
Week 24 standings Page 2

Payouts for each award are listed on the prize fund spreadsheet

Final Average Reports 
(To be sent to GDBA and DWBA for the annual yearbook.)
Up to and including Week 25 

Men's averages 

Women's averages 

ABC/WIBC Honor Awards 
(Earned and conferred throughout the season.) 
Up to and including Week 25 

Award summary 



Updated on 03/25/2005