Unisys Mixed Bowling League 2006-2007

Lane Assignments (For Weeks 1-26 and Week 27)

Lane Assignments for Weeks 1-26 

Lane Assignments for Week 27 Doubles Tournament

The winners of the first and second halves will play each other on Lanes 19-20. The remaining teams will be paired up based on adding together their points won in both halves. This does not affect your team's season standing; it is only to have a method of assigning lanes. 

Step 1: The point total summary by team is as follows: 

Team Points won 
in 1st half 
(From Week 13 results) 
Points won 
in 2nd half 
(From Week 26 results) 
Total points won 
for the season 
1 - ZZTOD 51 37 88
2 - Pin Action 44 45 89
3 - Triple S 38 43 81
4 - Beer Nuts 42 48 90
5 - Alley Oops 57 64 121
6 - Here for the Beer 67 54 121
7 - Ladies and the Tramp 54 57 111
8 - Fock-N-Pinz 50 45 95
9 - Comeback Kids 44 40 84

Step 2: We separate out Here For The Beer (first half winner) and Alley Oops (second half winner), because we put them against each other on Lanes 19-20.  Then we sort the remaining teams by total points won, resulting in the following order: 

Total Points Won Team
111 Ladies and the Tramp
95 Fock-N-Pinz
90 Beer Nuts
89 Pin Action
84 Comeback Kids
81 Triple S

Step 3: Using this sorted order, teams are paired up starting from the top. The resulting lane assignments are the following: 

Lanes 19-20 21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28
Teams Here For The Beer
Alley Oops
Ladies and the Tramp
Beer Nuts
Pin Action
Comeback Kids
Triple S


Updated on 03/26/2007