Unisys Mixed Bowling League 2007-2008

Weekly News and Announcements – First Half

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Second half News and Announcements

December 12, 2007 – Week 13 **End of First Half**

Winner of the first half is: BEER NUTS ! 

Holiday Food Fest: December 19 
If you are bringing a dish to share, also be sure to bring whatever serving utensils or special serveware (plate vs. bowl, toothpicks, etc) your item might need - and a means to wrap up or dispose of leftovers (plastic wrap, etc). Please help to clean up the food table at the end of the night.
**NOTE: Only food items are allowed on this night. No outside beverages of any kind will be permitted. (Per laws and ordinances of the Michigan Liquor Control Commission and the Wayne County Health Department.)

Holiday Time Off: December 26 
We have only one week off during the holidays. We do not bowl on December 26. We are back for the new year on January 2. 

Holiday $Cash$ Winners 
The $5 per team went to the following bowlers:  

  • Alley Oops. Kurt Bowers, with 19 under average.

  • Beer Nuts. Denise Goldie, with 100 over average!!  (With a score like that, I'll bet everyone will want to be your doubles partner on Week 27! LOL)  Nice bowling, Frenchie!!

  • Comeback Kids. Lil Path, with -13 under average.

  • Here for the Beer. John Conyer, with 33 over average. 

  • Ladies and the Tramp. Kevin Gault, with 43 over average.

  • Pin Action. Dan Finkelstein, with 25 over average. 

  • Triple S. Sue Hodor, with 24 under average.

  • Trouble. Mary Bergner, with 1 pin over average. 

  • ZZTOD. Dennis Todic, with 6 over average.

Team Roster Change 
Team Trouble is down to just Mary. Jared had a conflict crop up that will keep him unavailable for several months. Hopefully he will be interested in returning next fall. So, if anyone knows someone who is looking to bowl, please spread the word that we have an opening. We once again have two spots on that team, which can be taken by two men, or a man and a woman. 

Rule Reminder: Resigning from a Team 
Two weeks' notice is required under USBC rules (Rule #114a, "Procedure for Withdrawing") during which time the bowler may still bowl (or not) and during which regular league fees continue to accrue, unless the position is replaced. If a bowler cannot bowl during those two weeks, they may either get a substitute or be considered absent. If the two weeks go by without finding a permanent replacement, the position returns to a Vacant status. See http://www.bowl.com/rules/rulebook.aspx for the online rule book, and search for "114a" to find the complete official description.

105th Annual Michigan State Bowling Association Tournament (2008) 
It's in the neighborhood this year! The team event will be at Oak Lanes in Westland, and the doubles/singles events will be at Westland Bowl. Just $20 per bowler and 5-person mixed teams. Entries are open thru April, and bowling dates are January-April. Anyone interested? 

Super Splits -n- Stuff 
Lil Path picked up the 5-10. 
Guyla Kryka made a 4-5. 
Sue Hodor made a 5-7. 
Denise Dunn got the 5-7. 
Jill Conway made the 2-4-10.

December 5, 2007 – Week 12

End of First Half Approaching: December 12 
We've got just one week left in the season's first half. The half ends on Week 13, which is December 12. This will be a regular position round. The team with the most points in the standings at the end of that night will be the winner of the first half. Remember that substitute scores cannot be used on a position round. Subs are welcome to bowl, but they will pace only. 

Holiday $Cash$ from Plaza Lanes: December 12 
Plaza Lanes is providing each team with a small gift of $5 cash. But which bowler gets it?  On December 12, our half-ending position round, we'll hand it out to the one bowler on each team who bowls the highest scratch series score over their average. What better contest to have on a position round night, when the half winner is at stake. (Wish it was more $$ but oh well.) 

League Holiday Food Fest: December 19 
We are asking Plaza if we can have our annual holiday "food fest" on December 19. (We don't want to do it on Dec 12, because that's a position round for end of the half, and food just might be a distraction.) So plan on bringing a dish to share on December 19. Also be sure to bring any serving utensils or special serveware (plate vs. bowl, toothpicks, etc) your item might need.
**NOTE: Only food items are allowed on this night. No outside beverages of any kind will be permitted. (Per laws and ordinances of the Michigan Liquor Control Commission and the Wayne County Health Department.)

Holiday Time Off: December 26 
We have only one week off during the holidays. We do not bowl on December 26. We are back for the new year on January 2. 

USBC Achievement Awards 
Several bowlers achieved honor scores tonight, but already received USBC recognition for the same award on a previous week. USBC does keep track of an award however many times you earn it, however, they don't send out the goodies (patch, pin, etc) for it more than once a season. The achievement scores are: 

  • Santo Lupo, 75 pins over average for a series total of 617

  • Theresa Belser, 180-199 game award for Game 3 score of 197

  • Dan Finkelstein, 200-249 game award for Game 3 score of 218

Super Splits -n- Stuff 
Jill Conway picked up the 4-10!! And later made the 5-10!!
Wendy Cherry picked up the 2-7. 
Sue Hodor made the 6-10, 
June Cannon made the 2-7. 

November 28, 2007 – Week 11

End of First Half Approaching 
We've got just two weeks left in the season's first half. The half ends on Week 13, which is December 12. This will be a regular position round. The team with the most points in the standings at the end of that night will be the winner of the first half. Remember that substitute scores cannot be used on a position round. Subs are welcome to bowl, but they will pace only. 

Welcome to New Bowler Lou 
Lou Abraham joins Team Comeback Kids as a permanent bowler. Due to ongoing health issues, Steve Brookins will not be able to rejoin the team. We wish him all the best, and hope he is able to stop in to visit from time to time. 

League Holiday Party 
It's just about time for our annual "food fest" pot luck night. We are asking Plaza if we can do this on December 19. (We don't want to do it the week prior, because that's a position round for end of the half, and food just might be a distraction.) So plan on bringing a dish to share on December 19. Also be sure to bring any serving utensils or special serveware (plate vs. bowl, toothpicks, etc) your item might need.
**NOTE: Only food items are allowed on this night. No outside beverages of any kind will be permitted. (Per laws and ordinances of the Michigan Liquor Control Commission and the Wayne County Health Department.)

League Holiday Gift from Plaza Lanes 
Plaza Lanes is providing each team with a small gift of $5 cash. But which bowler gets it?  On December 12, our half-ending position round, we'll hand it out to the one bowler on each team who bowls the highest scratch series score over their average. What better contest to have on a position round night, when the half winner is at stake. (Wish it was more $$ but oh well.) 

About Legal Lineups (Rule Reminder) 
Our league rules (point #15) state that a team must have one permanent member bowling in each game, or else the team forfeits that game. USBC Rules 110 and 111 remind us that a forfeit can be avoided by requesting a prebowl or a postponement. 

Q: What happens if no permanent members can be present, but we can get a sub, is that okay? 
A: Not at this time. USBC allows a sub to count towards a legal lineup if the league permits (Rule 109a words it as "eligible player" not "permanent member"), but our current league rules override this point and do not allow it. **If we wish to change this league rule for next season to allow a sub to count towards a legal lineup, we can discuss at the preseason meeting for 2008-09.

About Fouls (Rule Reminder) 
The discussion that kept many of us busy tonight involved getting a foul on a strike ball. The wording of USBC Rule 6b "entitled to additional deliveries in the frame" unnecessarily adds ambiguity to the rule. Normally a strike means you don't get an additional delivery, but because the first ball was foul, it was illegal pinfall, does not count, and was not actually a strike -- meaning a second ball is allowed. If Rule 5a said simply "Foul on first ball means you rerack and proceed to the second ball", that would be so much clearer.

About Being Absent 
Life happens, and absences will happen. Sometimes there are other things in life more important than a bowling game. However, please contact someone to let them know you will not be coming!! Call or email either a teammate, your team captain, a league officer (secretary's cell phone is 734-546-2976), or Plaza Lanes (734-453-4880). Don't leave your teammates and opponents standing around scratching their heads wondering if you will or will not be showing up.

Super Splits -n- Stuff 
Guyla Kryka made the 3-10. 
Santo Lupo made the 2-4-10. 
John Oliverio made the 5-7. 

November 14, 2007 – Week 10

Thanksgiving Break 
Just a reminder that we are OFF for Thanksgiving. No bowling on Wednesday November 21. 

Tournament Action 
If anyone is looking for a little tournament competition before the end of the year, the Hamtramck Quad event is open until December 9. See our tournament page for details.

Super Splits -n- Stuff 
Kathy Wyrwas made the 1-2-7-8 washout.
Santo Lupo made a 5-7 and a 5-6.  

November 7, 2007 – Week 9

Thanksgiving Break 
Just a reminder that we are OFF for Thanksgiving. No bowling on Wednesday November 21. 

USBC Achievement Awards 
Kevin Gault earned a 180-199 Game patch for a score of 180 in Game 2. 

Super Splits -n- Stuff 
Kathy Wyrwas made the 1-2-10 washout. 
No others reported..? 

October 31, 2007 – Week 8

Scoring Correction, Weeks 6 and 7

Plaza brought to my attention a discrepancy between what their computer saw as one bowler's total pins compared to the most recent standing sheet I gave them. The difference occurred on Week 6 (Oct 17). Plaza's printout showed the bowler was marked as Absent for Game 1 and their total games as 17, but our software's standing sheets were showing that he had bowled 18 games and not absent. What happened?

Going back to the original score sheets, no one marked that bowler as absent for Game 1. 

NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT MARK A BOWLER OR SPECIFIC GAME as (A) FOR ABSENT, I HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING if the score is an actual bowled score or if the person truly was absent. I do not take attendance.

The bowler and team affected is Triple S and Santo Lupo. Since the software thought he had more pins and games than he did for Week 6, his average after bowling Week 6 was not calculated with the correct data. (The effect on Week 7 was that Santo's average/handicap was 1 pin off, and on Week 8 there was no difference.)  I am regenerating all the scoring reports for Weeks 6 and 7 to show the correct data. The Week 8 reports as posted here are correct, as the problem was fixed before this week's reports were generated.

Please please be more attentive when you are reviewing the score sheets. It is each captain's responsibility to ensure all information recorded is accurate - these sheets are our official record of the games. And note that the secretary does not take attendance; you must mark on the sheet if someone is absent or not. Thank you.

USBC Achievement Awards 
Mary Bergner earned a 160-179 Game patch for for her Game 1 score of 163. 

Super Splits? 
None reported. 

October 24, 2007 – Week 7

Welcome New Bowler Jared! 
Jared Schweikhart has joined the league and filled one of the vacancies on Team Trouble. He's also a "step-nephew" to John Conyer on Team Here For The Beer.  Thanks for joining us, Jared, and hope you have fun bowling this season.

USBC Achievement Awards 
Lots of awards were earned this week!! Congrats everyone!  
(And-- awards from earlier weeks are already here, and will be handed out this week!)

Super Splits! 

  • Ray Card made a 6-7-10 and later got a 4-7-10. 

  • Jared Schweikhart made the 2-7. 

  • Wendy Cherry got a 2-4-7-10 and also a 3-7. 

  • Dan Finkelstein made the 2-5-10. 

  • Guyla Kryka made the 5-6. 

  • Kathy Wyrwas made the 1-2-10 washout. 

BOO!  Halloween Night on Week 8 
If you've got trick or treating activities that night, don't forget to arrange for a sub now or for a post-bowl with your opponent. (Too late now to do a pre-bowl!)  More info down below in the Week 4 news. 

Addendum to the Standing Sheet Vote (PDF vs. GIF) 
Just for the record, several more people voiced their preference last week for the PDF version of the sheets. If there any other improvements or changes you might want to see on this site, please let me know!! 

October 17, 2007 – Week 6

The Votes Are In 
Not many, but I'll take what I can get... Last week's news asked if you preferred the weekly standing sheets as GIF images or as PDF files. The votes came in 3-0 (yes, all of three replies) in favor of PDF files, with the comment that they print cleaner. So, from here out, you'll see the standing sheets posted as a PDF file. 

Super Splits 
Sue Hodor made the 4-5-7. 
Lil Path made the 3-7. 
Kathy Wyrwas go the 4-5-7. 
Dennis Todic made the 5-7.

Tournament Time 
Lots of tournament competitions are in full swing for fall, some with entry closing dates coming up soon. Check out the tournaments listing page to see if anything interests you. 

October 10, 2007 – Week 5

Super Splits 
Santo Lupo made the 3-4-6-7-10. That's like the "Big 4" plus 1. Nice work!
Lil Path made the 4-6. 

USBC Acheivement Awards 
Tony Kryka earned two USBC awards tonight. He earned a 180-199 Game patch for his Game 2 score of 198, and he earned a 500-599 series pin for his total pinfall of 540. Congrats, and nice bowling tonight, Tony!

Hey Slowpokes!! 
Just a reminder that practice time starts at 5:00pm sharp, the lanes change over to Game 1 at 5:15pm, and we are to be done bowling per our league contract with Plaza by 7:15pm. The league that follows us starts their practice time at 7:30pm sharp, so let's all try our best to be out of their way as soon as we can after our allotted time. 

Computer Scoring Tips 

Hopefully by now all the bugs in prefilled names and handicaps on the scoring computers have been worked out. If you do need to change a prefilled name, please select a complete name that the computer prompts you with. That's how the computer tracks bowling stats from week to week, by name. If the new name you enter doesn't match a name that the computer knows (even though it may be for the same exact person), then the scores, averages, and handicaps can't follow it.  After several weeks of this, you may notice that the handicap prefilled for that person is no longer accurate. 

Be sure to always double-check the handicaps displayed on the computer screens before you bowl, and change them as needed. However, your changes to handicaps (and names) will not carry over to the next week; that must be done on the master computer in the back room (not even the one at the front desk), and will take effect the following week. Please notify your League Secretary if any discrepancies continue, and I'll work with Plaza to get it corrected.

VOTE! Standings Sheets as GIF or PDF? 

If you print the standing sheets on any given week, how does the GIF file format work for you?  Does it fit on one page OK? Does it come out fuzzy on your computer? 

Last year's version of the secretary software provided an option to scale down the standings sheet pages before making the GIF so that it would fit the page, while keeping the text crisp. This year's software version however has dropped the scaling option. The original report is in a different format, and I have to make some changes using graphics software before posting the standings sheets on the web site. IMHO the quality of the output has degraded over last year's method.

If I started producing the standings sheets in PDF format (like other linked documents in the site), would this work better for you? You'd need Adobe Reader (free!) to read them, if you don't already have that program. For an example, click here to see Week 5's standing sheet as a PDF file

Please send me an email to vote your preference, telling me if you want to continue viewing the standings sheets as GIF files or if you'd like to see it as a PDF instead. Thanks!! 

October 3, 2007 – Week 4

New League Adjacent to Ours

During Weeks 2 and 3, it was noticed by our teams on the "end" lane that bowlers on this new league seem not to be honoring the house rule of a 1-lane courtesy. I mentioned this to the desk staff at Plaza, asking if they could have a word with that league's officers. Done. It turns out that that league is comprised of new bowlers, people who have never been on a league before, and maybe never even played the game. So even though their officers were told about a 1-lane courtesy, they likely don't remember or don't even know what that means. Plaza staff will be coaching them to bring them up to speed on league play and house rules. 

Boo! It's Almost Halloween Trick-or-Treat Time

You may have noticed that this year Halloween falls on a bowling night (Week 8), along with many neighborhood trick-or-treat times. If you would prefer to have family time for kid activities, rather than bowl, note that you can request a pre-bowl or postponement (your entire team vs. your opponent) if you don't want to be 'absent' for a night.

Pre-bowls and postponement are defined in Rule 111 (points 111a-111f) in the USBC Rulebook. To paraphrase these rules: 

  • You must make your request at least 48 hours prior to the original date of the affected game. 

  • You have until the end of the half to make up the game, if you had asked for a postponement. 

  • The league's board of directors must approve your request. The league secretary notifies the bowling center of the change and makes the arrangements to have a pair of lanes available.

  • Averages and handicaps are figured as of the date/time the games are actually bowled, NOT what they would have been on the original date. 

You've got a couple weeks to think about this and talk it over with your team. (To consider: Note that Week 9 is a Position Round; do you want Week 8's scores to be figured into the standings, and can you get the game done before that night?)

Bowlers Still Needed 
Team "Trouble" has vacancies to be filled. Please talk to friends, family, neighbors, etc to see if anyone wants to join our league. Talking points you might want to mention are: our league's low $ commitment, our high fun factor (more social than competitive), and we're done in time for golf season to start!  We also can replace the BYE team with actual people, if we find enough people to fill up a 10th team.

Super Splits 
Lil Path picked up the 5-7 - twice! 
Dan Finkelstein made the 5-10. 

USBC Achievement Awards 
Denise Goldie earned a 180-199 game award for her Game 3 score of 193. 

September 26, 2007 – Week 3

Bowlers Still Needed 
Team "Trouble" has vacancies to be filled. Please talk to friends, family, neighbors, etc to see if anyone wants to join our league. Talking points you might want to mention are: our league's low $ commitment, our high fun factor (more social than competitive), and we're done in time for golf season to start!  We also can replace the BYE team with actual people, if we find enough people to fill up a 10th team.

USBC Women's Championship is coming to Canton's Super Bowl! 
Yes, the next national USBC Women's tournament will be right in our backyard. Come to watch, or field a team of your own! Entry fee is $30 per bowler, due by January 25, 2008. For full details, refer to www.USBCwomenschampionships.com

Tip! The tournaments page has been updated for this season! Check out all the competition opportunities! Also note that many of the events that were previously for-men-only have been changed under USBC to be open to both men and women bowlers.

Membership Perks: Travel Planning 
Book your personal and business travel on MDUSBC's new travel web site www.mdusbctravel.com. Every time you do, the Metro Detroit USBC Association will receive a portion of the travel commissions. You get the same low rates offered by other travel web sites while helping to raise funds for the Metro Detroit USBC.

Feeling Lucky? Enter the POA Challenge – You could win $10,000! 

Western Wayne USBC, Metro Detroit USBC, and Bowling Centers Association of Southeastern Michigan are pleased to announce the POA (Pins Over Average) Challenge in conjunction with your USBC league!! 

For a one-time entry fee of $10 per bowler, you have a chance to win $10,000. Your league "pins over average" (POA) will be tallied throughout the season, and bowlers with the highest POA will participate in an in-center roll-off. Winners of the in-center roll-off will win at least $20 ~ that's double your entry fee back to you. From there, the top bowlers move on to a regional roll-off, and then to the POA Challenge Finals with HUGE cash prizes: 

1st place = $10,000 
2nd place = $5000
3rd place = $2500

If you bowl in more than one league, you can enter once for each league. (There is a one-time entry fee of $10 per bowler, per league.) 

For more information, contact the Metro Detroit USBC office at (248)443-2695. 

Super Splits 
Guyla made the 6-7-10. 
June made the 5-6-10. 

 October Birthdays 
Check out the birthday calendar to see who's birthdays we are celebrating this month! 

September 19, 2007 – Week 2

Thanks for Attending the Board of Directors Meeting

Thank you for attending the meeting before practice time tonight. I called this meeting to discuss and resolve any misunderstandings about scoring in a forfeit situation between Teams 5 and 6 (Fock N Pinz vs. Pin Action). If a team does not show up and does not notify anyone of their absence, this is a "known forfeit" situation, and the non-forfeiting team must earn points in the same manner they would as if they were bowling a blind/bye team. See USBC Rule #110c. 

But then, the next question was, was Team Fock N Pinz even a team at that point? We weren't exactly sure. Even though none of the team members had informed the league of their intent to return, we had assumed that was simply an oversight and had reserved their team's spot on the roster. In reality, USBC Rule #104b tells us specifically that if a team does not notify the league that they are returning, they do not exist. The situation from Week 1 was therefore a blind/bye situation, and the scores as originally entered will stand.

If at any time you have a question about the rules, please never hesitate to ask! All officers (June, DeniseD, Tony, Kathy) have a rule book, and I will be requesting additional copies so that each team captain may also have one. Rules are also online on bowl.com at http://www.bowl.com/rules/main.aspx -- scroll down till you see the image of the red Playing Rules book.

Super Splits 
Santo was on a roll tonight, and made the 3-6-7-9-10, a 2-4-8-10, and a 2-10. Way to go!!

USBC Achievement Awards 
Dan Finkelstein earns a 200-249 game award (a patch) for his Game 2 score of 214. 

September 12, 2007 – Week 1

Team Roster Changes

  • On Team "Ladies and the Tramp", Kevin Gault replaces Kevin Murphy.

  • Mary Bergman joins us to start Team 10, which is now named "Trouble" and needs 2 more bowlers. 

  • Team "Comeback Kids" temporarily has a vacancy, but it's reserved, waiting for Steve Brookins to come back. He's out for several weeks dealing with some health problems. 

  • Team "Fock-N-Pinz" has decided not to return this season, so their spot in the lineup has become the BYE team.

Nancy Telling made the 5-10. 
** If you make an outstanding split, note it somewhere on the score sheet, and the Secretary will post it here. 

USBC Achievement Awards

Starting the season out strong, we have 2 awards to announce already:

Did you know.... About those award forms turned in for each award earned... The information will be tracked by USBC and made viewable on bowl.com. If you look yourself up on bowl.com (under "Find a Member") you will see a tab labeled "Achievements". Watch for new additions throughout the season.

August 29, 2007 – Notes from Pre Season League Meeting


All teams were represented except Pin Action, Fock-N-Pinz, and Comeback Kids.  Both Pin Action and Comeback Kids have confirmed they are returning; however none of their bowlers could make the meeting. Fock-N-Pinz hasn't reported to the league officers if they are returning or not. (Renee, Chris, SueB, please let me know!)

Attendees were:  Kathy Wyrwas, Dennis Todic, June Cannon, Denise Goldie, Greg Skotzke, Tony Kryka, Kurt Bowers, Wendy Cherry, and Kevin Gault (new member!). Kevin is at Unisys as a contractor. He'll be replacing Kevin Murphy on Team Ladies and the Tramp.

Plaza House Rules. Kathy highlighted a few points about Plaza rules that were told to officers at an officers pre-season meeting. Notably, no cigars or pipes, no outside food (except holiday parties), no solicitation, check cashing at counter ok.

Our league rules. Next, Kathy pointed out sections of the league bylaws that would be changing for this season. These items and points of discussion are as follows. 

  • Item 4. Dates will obviously change. First week is Sept 12, final week is April 2, no bowling on Nov 21 and Dec 26. 

  • Item 6c. Will scores on Doubles night count for standings? Invariable, on the week or two before Doubles Night, someone asks if scores will count. The last several years, they have NOT counted, its just a fun night. But, if the majority of bowlers wishes, this can change. Those present were okay with that week remaining a fun night. So, no changes here. Double Night remains NOT to affect standings. 

  • Item 11. Handicaps. Since one new bowler last year consistently bowled over the set score for handicaps, there was concern that this may give that team an advantage over the others. A solution would be to change how we calculate handicaps. One suggestion was to calculate hcp based on the team pairups for any given night. Then what do if a sub was brought in. Another suggestion was to simply raise the hcp limit and leave the method as-is. This would affect no ones scores or standings, just gives everyone a handicap.  This second suggest was agreed upon and a limit of 220 was set. Therefore, to calculate an individual handicap, it's 100% of the difference between that bowler's average and 220. 

  • Items 14, 16. Revisions to men's and women's averages. These numbers are subject to change every year to reflect the previous season's averages. This year, the women's average remains at 140, but the men's jumps to 171. June recalculated to double-check. These averages are the default scores for new bowlers who do not have an established association average. 

  • Item 27. Plaza raised their per-bowler rate a bit, to $6 per person, up from $5.75 from last year. What that means is an additional 25’ out of the $10 weekly fee goes to Plaza instead of to our prize fund. Officer compensation amounts will be changed in the bylaws to reflect the change in bowling rate. Also, please note that while we have kept our weekly fee stable at $10 for quite a number of years now, Plaza's per line fee has steadily been increasing. Next year do not be surprised if we need to increase our weekly fee several dollars to keep pace. 

  • Item 29. Officer names to be updated to reflect election results (below) if any changes. 

Updated league rules reflecting these changes will be posted on the league web site. 

Officer Election. Over the summer and among the meeting attendees, there were no new nominees for the officer positions. No officer wanted to step down either. Officers remain the same for this new season. 

USBC Certification. Brief summary of the $21 change noticed on bowl.com (which I had sent out an email about). The fee is just $19.  The certification fee is due the first week of bowling, along with league fees for the first and last weeks (total $39). Certification application cards were not handed out (there is nothing to fill out on them), but will be on your lane's table the first night of bowling. 

USBC rule books. We received just 4 copies at the pre-season officers meeting. These went to the league officers. Ideally each team captain should have a rule book. Kathy will request a few more copies from the Metro Detroit USBC office. Rules are also available online on the bowl.com site: 

  • On the main page under "Information" click Playing Rules Book. This links directly to a PDF file.

  • Or, under Departments, click Rules. This links to another page with a link not only to the rule book but also to all sorts of commonly asked questions and additional support information. 

–Meeting adjourned–


Updated on 01/11/2008