Unisys Mixed Bowling League 2008-2009

List of Potential Subs

If you are unable to bowl, please notify your teammates and try to find a sub to bowl for you. The Secretary has phone numbers for everyone. 
(Subs can bowl only as pacers on position nights. Pacers' scores do not help the team they bowl for, but do count towards their personal statistics.)

Potential Substitutes 

Please call subs as much in advance as possible, preferably even the day before bowling, so they know to have their equipment with them and can make arrangements to leave work early if needed.

For privacy reasons, email addresses and phone numbers are not being posted here.  Please contact the league secretary to obtain that information. 

Already USBC-certified this year? 

  • Bob Olson. Needs day notice due to his work schedule.

  • Mike Crocket (friend of Team "5:00 Somewhere") - available to sub for any team.

Not yet Men: 
  • Nick (knows Santo). (Needs 48hour notice.) 


  • Terry Horst 


Updated on 01/14/2009