Unisys Mixed Bowling League 2008-2009

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Achievement Award Q&A

(Originally posted on the News page back on Week 8. Now on this dedicated page for your reference.)

Q: Someone asked me if there was a patch for getting a 7-10 split. 
A: The answer is YES, there is such a patch!  And there's also a patch for the "Big 4" split: the 4-6-7-10.  These split pins aren't something that shows up on a score reprint sheet, and would therefore need a 'witness' to verify it. If you're facing down a 7-10 or the Big 4 and you're feelin' lucky, call over a league officer before you throw your second ball to watch your shot. 

Q: I've rolled a 200 game! Do I get my patch? 
A: That depends. If your average is 160 or less and you've rolled a 200 game, then you'll get a patch. Except, pins and patches for each achievement are awarded only once per season to a bowler.

For each of the high score awards, there is a cap on your average to actually get the award. You can see these maximums on the Awards page at bowl.com. Actually, it's on the award application form. Go to http://www.bowl.com/awards/AdultAwards.aspx and click on "Special Achievement" in the Award Applications box at the top of the page. For your reference, I'm including the info here: 

Award  Maximum Average
75 Pins Over Average patch
100 Pins Over Average
140 Pins Over Average
No cap
100 Game score (patch) 70 or less
120 Game score (patch) 90 or less
140 Game score (patch) 100 or less
160 Game score (patch) 120 or less
180 Game score (patch) 140 or less
200 Game score (patch) 160 or less
250 Game score (patch) 170 or less
200 Series (patch) 50 or less
300 Series (patch) 90 or less
400 Series (pin) 115 or less
500 Series (pin) 140 or less
600 Series (pin) 175 or less
700 Series (pin) 210 or less



Updated on 03/19/2009