Unisys Mixed Bowling League 2008-2009

First Half News and Announcements

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December 17, 2008 - Prize fund posted! 

We've had this budget done for a few weeks now, and just needed to post it. The budget shows incoming league fees, league operating expenses, and prize payouts. Find this link on the Home page, under the "League Administrative Information" heading at left. 

Week 13 – December 10, 2008  **End of First Half**

Winner of the first half is:  Alley Oops !

Holiday $Cash$ Winners 
The $5 per team went to the following bowlers: 

  • Alley Oops. Tony, +22.

  • Beer Nuts. DeniseG, +4. 

  • Comeback Kids. Lil, +23.

  • 5:00 Somewhere. John, +45. 

  • Here For the Beer. KevinG, +47.

  • In-Laws. Chris, +23. 

  • Ladies and the Tramp. KevinM, +27.

  • No Pin Left Behind. Dave, -31. 

  • Pin Action. Dan, +20 

  • Triple S. June, +49.

  • Trouble. Dennis, +67!!

If you have played Lucky Strike so far this year... 
Since it's the end of year holidays, next week (Dec 17) we'll be cleaning out the jackpot!!  If the first ticket doesn't get a strike, we'll pull another, and then another, until someone does roll the strike or until the money is gone. Then in January we'll start the jackpot over.

Dec 17 (Week 14): Holiday Food Fest
Our annual holiday pot luck food fest!!  This is the one night during the season we are allowed to bring in "outside" food. Please feel free to bring a dish to share (appetizer or other finger food); appropriate serving utensils, bowls, plates; and any other things you would need to wrap up leftovers ... if there are any!!! Please allow extra time both before and after we bowl to help set up and clean up what you've brought. Thank you in advance! 

Dec 24, 31: No Bowling (Time off for Holiday) 
We are not bowling on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. Bowling picks up again on January 7. 

Super Splits
Santo made the 3-4-6-7!!
Dennis Todic picked up the 6-7-10. 

USBC Achievement Awards  
Dennis Todic tallied up another 200-game award. This patch is only given out once per season, however, and he earned it back on Oct 5. 

 December Birthday Wishes 
Mary is our only birthday celebrant this month. Hope you have a great day! 

Week 12 – December 3, 2008

Dec 10 (Week 13): End of First Half 
This night is the end of the first half already! It's also a position round - standings determine the team pairings. The team with the highest number of points at the end of the night will be the winner of the first half. Also, because it is a position round, any subs may bowl to help their personal stats, but for the team they must bowl as a pacer, which does not affect the team score. 

Dec 10 (Week 13): Annual $5 Holiday Cash 
To ante up the competition a bit for the position round, we will also be awarding $5 to each team tonight, payable to the one bowler on each team whose series is highest over average. The $5 is a gift from Plaza Lanes.

Dec 17 (Week 14): Holiday Food Fest
Our annual holiday pot luck food fest!!  This is the one night during the season we are allowed to bring in "outside" food. Please feel free to bring a dish to share (appetizer or other finger food); appropriate serving utensils, bowls, plates; and any other things you would need to wrap up leftovers ... if there are any!!! Please allow extra time both before and after we bowl to help set up and clean up what you've brought. Thank you in advance! 

Dec 24, 31: No Bowling (Time off for Holiday) 
We are not bowling on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. Bowling picks up again on January 7. 

Super Splits
Kurt Coleman got the 4-9. 
June Cannon got the 3-10. 
Denise Goldie also made the 3-10. 
Ray Card made the 4-5-8-10. 

USBC Achievement Awards 
Ray Card earned a 600 Series patch for his total of 615 pins.
Sue Hodor earned a 200 Game patch for her score of 223 in Game 3. 
Lil Path earned a 160 Game patch for her score of 171 in Game 3. 

USBC also recognizes the following achievement scores, however these are repeats and patches have already been given out this year (one patch per season): 
Dan Finkelstein's Game 2 score of 201.
Dennis Todic's Game 1 score of 202. 

Week 11 – November 19, 2008 

Holiday Reminder:  No Bowling on Nov 26 (Thanksgiving Eve)  
Happy Thanksgiving! See you all again on December 3. 

"May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!"

Super Splits 
Denise Dunn picked up the 1-5-10 washout. 
June Cannon made the 3-10. 

USBC Achievement Awards 
None new this week, but the last batch of award forms I sent in have been processed, and I have award trinkets to hand out! 

Annual $5 Holiday Cash and Holiday Food Fest Dates 
Make note of the following special league events coming up in December: 

  • Week 13, December 10 --  This night is the end of the first half already! It's also a position round. The team with the highest number of points at the end of the night will be the winner of the first half.  To ante up the competition a bit for the position round, on this night we will also be awarding $5 to each team, payable to the one bowler on each team whose series is highest over average. The $5 is a gift from Plaza Lanes. 
  • Week 14, December 17 --  Our annual holiday pot luck food fest!!  This is the one night during the season we are allowed to bring in "outside" food. Please feel free to bring a dish to share (appetizer or other finger food); appropriate serving utensils, bowls, plates; and any other things you would need to wrap up leftovers ... if there are any!!! And be sure to arrive a bit early to help set up your dish. 

Week 10 – November 12, 2008

Holiday Reminder: No Bowling Next Week (Nov 26) 
We get a week off for the night before Thanksgiving. 

Super Splits 
Steve Brookins got the 8-10. 
Kevin Murphy got the 2-10. 
Santo Lupo made the 2-5-7. 

Sub Still Needed For a Few Weeks 
Wanted: Male or Female bowler to sub for up to 8 weeks. Contact Team Here for the Beer or your league secretary

Week 9 – November 5, 2008

Super Splits 
Tony Kryka made the 4-5. 
Dave Liddy picked up the 2-7-10. 
Ray Card got the 3-5-8-10 and a 6-7. 
Greg Skotzke made the 3-7-8. 
Kathy Wyrwas made the 5-7. 

USBC Achievement Awards 
Nancy Telling earned a 180 Game patch for her Game 1 score of 184. 
** I've now got 4 weeks' worth of award forms in hand, and I'll be mailing them in this weekend!  

Temporary Long-Term Sub Needed 
Do you know of anyone who'd like to bowl for the next few weeks? Team "Here for the Beer" could use a sub (or possibly upgraded to "4th team member", so their score will count on position rounds) for 8-10 weeks while Kathy is benched by some minor foot surgery (arthritis). (I'll still be around to take care of the score sheets!)  The bowler can be male or female, and would be needed as soon as Week 10 (Nov 12). Please call me at (734)546-2976 to discuss. 

Week 8 – October 29, 2008

Position Round Reminder 
Next week, Week 9, will be another position round!! Subs are welcome to participate to enhance their own stats, but they will be a pacer and their scores will not help the team. 

Super Splits 
Ray Card got the 5-7. 
Santo Lupo made a 4-7-9 and a 2-4-10. 
Chris Vance made the 5-10. 
Bob Olson got the 3-4. 
Kevin Gault picked up the 1-2-10 washout. 

USBC Achievement Awards 
Ray Card earned a 75-pins over average patch for his Game 3 score of 244. 

Achievement Award Q&A 

Q: Someone asked me if there was a patch for getting a 7-10 split. 
A: The answer is YES, there is such a patch!  And there's also a patch for the "Big 4" split: the 4-6-7-10.  These split pins aren't something that shows up on a score reprint sheet, and would therefore need a 'witness' to verify it. If you're facing down a 7-10 or the Big 4 and you're feelin' lucky, call over a league officer before you throw your second ball to watch your shot. 

Q: I've rolled a 200 game! Do I get my patch? 
A: That depends. If your average is 160 or less and you've rolled a 200 game, then you'll get a patch. For each of the high score awards, there is a cap on your average to actually get the award. You can see these maximums on the Awards page at bowl.com. Actually, it's on the award application form. Go to http://www.bowl.com/awards/AdultAwards.aspx and click on "Special Achievement" in the Award Applications box at the top of the page. For your reference, I'm including the info here: 

Award  Maximum Average
75 Pins Over Average patch
100 Pins Over Average
140 Pins Over Average
No cap
100 Game score (patch) 70 or less
120 Game score (patch) 90 or less
140 Game score (patch) 100 or less
160 Game score (patch) 120 or less
180 Game score (patch) 140 or less
200 Game score (patch) 160 or less
250 Game score (patch) 170 or less
200 Series (patch) 50 or less
300 Series (patch) 90 or less
400 Series (pin) 115 or less
500 Series (pin) 140 or less
600 Series (pin) 175 or less
700 Series (pin) 210 or less


October 28, 2008 

First Batch of USBC Achievement Awards are in!

Awards from Weeks 1-5 have been processed (see the news entries below). I'll be handing these out on Oct 29. 

Additionally, our local association Metro Detroit USBC included their own awards that were not listed with the national-level awards:

  • Dave Liddy received a 75 pins over average award (deck of playing cards) for his score of 231 on Sept 10. 
  • Dave also received a 225 Game pin for that same game. 

Week 7 – October 22, 2008 

New League Member 
John Doyle has joined Team 5:00 Somewhere, replacing Tony MacDougall. 

  Bowl For the Cure Month is Coming 

Cited from komen.org: 
Q: What are the estimated numbers of new breast cancer cases and deaths for the year 2008?
A: An estimated 182,460 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to occur among women in the United States during 2008. An estimated 40,480 women will die from breast cancer. It is estimated that 1,990 men will be diagnosed and 450 men will die of breast cancer during 2008. In addition to invasive breast cancer, 67,770 new cases of in situ breast cancer are expected to occur among women in 2008. Of these, approximately 85 percent will be ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).

41,000 deaths in 2008 alone, of both men and women.

February is traditionally known as "Bowl for the Cure" month (i.e. "BFTC"), where bowlers across the nation pitch in with awareness and fundraising efforts to fight against breast cancer. In February 2008, Metro Detroit USBC bowlers collectively donated over $19,000; here's an article with the details: http://www.bowl.com/articleView.aspx?i=14284&f=3 

Participation is completely voluntary, on an individual level. Common ways to help out are to play in a specially-designated BFTC event at a bowling center near you, or to sign up sponsors who pledge a certain per-pin $ amount (for example, a nickel or 10 cents a pin) based on your series score for a designated league bowling night. For example, in a nickel-per-pin pledge, a series of 470 would be a donation of $23.50. If you are interested in getting personal per-pin pledges, please email me (league secretary) and I'll help you get the forms to use.

For more information, you can check out BFTC at http://www.bowl.com/cure/ or The Susan G. Komen Foundation at http://cms.komen.org/komen/index.htm

Super Splits  
Tony Kryka made the 5-7. 
Kevin Murphy made the 4-7-9. 
** Write your own super split somewhere on your score sheet to get it listed here! 

USBC Achievement Awards 
Mike Hall bowled 3 honor scores tonight. His Game 1 score of 213 earned him a 200 Game patch. His Game 3 score of 202 is also an honor score, but you only get 1 patch per season! It still goes on record. Also, Mike's series was 604, which garnered him a 600 Series pin. Nice bowling tonight, Mike! 

October 21, 2008

Scoring Correction for Pin Action vs Triple S 
It was reported to me that Dan Finkelstein's Game 2 score from Oct15 was shown on the standings sheet and score reprint reports to be 172, but he had actually bowled a 103. Upon investigation, 172 had been written on the score sheet. Turns out that was his handicap score instead of his scratch score. The data has been corrected in the software, and I've regenerated the standings sheet and score reprint pages. Please ensure you refer to the "corrected" version. 

Pre-Bowl Results 
Score results from the Week 8 pre-bowl are logged into our scoring software. Their actual scores are not printed, but you'll see the number of games for each of the prebowlers has increased by 3. Also, their pin totals and averages have been affected, which will be reflected on the standings sheet for going into Week 7. Be sure to refer to the "after the pre-bowl" standings sheet.

Week 6 – October 15, 2008 

Scheduling a Pre-Bowl 
For everyone's notice, we have a team doing a pre-bowl. Team 11 will be bowling their Week 8 game early due to a conflict that would have left them unable to field a legal lineup on the regular week. To avoid a forfeit, they have asked for a pre-bowl, which will be happening this Sunday October 19 (i.e. prior to Week 7). The Week 8 opposing team and league officers have been notified. 
According to some posted conversations on the CDE Secretary software user forum, the pre-bowler names will show up twice on the weekly standings sheet (minus the actual bowled scores) until the actual week has occurred. Apparently this has to happen because the averages used for the pre-bowl are calculated as of the actual bowling date, so the software holds two versions of averages/HCPs until the original week, then merges it when the actual date is reached.  We've never done this before, so we'll see how the sheets will look next week! 

Roster Change 
Effective October 15, Team 11 (5:00 Somewhere) temporarily has a vacancy. Melisa and Karen will have a replacement bowler shortly.

Super Splits 
Ray Card made the 5-7. 
John Oliverio made the 4-9 and a 3-10. 

USBC Achievement Awards 
Award application forms from weeks 1-5 have been submitted!! As soon as the award trinkets come in, I'll hand them out to everyone. And this week we have one more: 
Dennis Todic earned a 200 game award patch for his score of 210 in Game 3. 

Week 5 – October 8, 2008 

Super Splits 
Greg Skotzke made the 5-8-10 in frame 7 of Game 2. 

USBC Achievement Awards 
Denise "Cha Cha" Dunn rolled a 203 in Game 3. She'll be getting a 200 game award patch for this high score. 
Stacey Liddy earned another 180 game award!  Her first 180 game award was just on Week 3. Only one patch per season though. 

Male/Female Scoring Reminder 
In the interest of bowling to have fun, we almost overlooked this league rule tonight.... but thankfully Treasurer Tony caught it during the first game. Don't forget that a team must use the scores of at least one male and one female in a game. Keep this in mind when using a sub. For example, if on a team with one woman and two men, the woman is absent and the team brings in a sub~ the team still needs to record the score of at least one woman. Therefore either the sub needs to be female, or, the team should use the absent woman's absentee score and the 3rd bowler if male wouldn't be a sub but would have to be a pacer.

Using a Pacer Bowler 
Pacers do not have to be certified with USBC, because by definition their scores do not help the team. They still need to pay the base lineage fee (sub fee) of $6 to cover the cost of bowling. If a pacer would like their scores to count for their own personal statistics, then they do need to certify/join USBC. Pacers who are USBC members are eligible for all USBC individual awards. See USBC rule #107d on pacers for more information. 

Week 4 – October 1, 2008

Position Round is Next Week (Oct 8) 
Okay it's here, the first position round of this season! Team pairings and lane assignments are based on point standings using Week 4 results. (First place vs 2nd place, 3rd place vs 4th, etc.) Subs are welcome to bowl; however they will be pacers only. The absentee score of the absent bowler must be used, not the pacer's score.

Super Splits 
John Oliverio made the 3-6-7. 
Sue Hodor made the 3-10. 
Santo Lupo also made a 3-10, and a 4-7-9. 

USBC Achievement Awards 
Kevin Gault earned two awards tonight. His Game 1 score of 190 qualifies for a 180-199 patch, but he earned that already once this season. His series of 536 earned a 500-599 series award pin

October Birthdays 
Best wishes to all the October birthday people: DeniseG, Dennis, Greg, Bob, Kurt. See the birthday list for the dates.

Article: USBC develops 'motion capture' system for bowling (May 2008)
"Continuing to emphasize the important role that technology will have in growing the sport of bowling, the United States Bowling Congress has developed a system that measures and displays the exact movements of a bowler's body during the approach and delivery."  Continue reading this on bowl.com...

Week 3 – September 24, 2008

First Position Round Coming in 2 Weeks on October 8! 
Our first position round kicks in on Week 5, October 8. As a reminder, lane assignments are based on point standings upon entering the position night. Subs are welcome to bowl; however they will be pacers only. The absentee score of the absent bowler must be used, not the pacer's score. While the pacer does not help the team on a position round, their results do count for their own personal stats. 

Welcome to New Substitute Players 
Bob Olson is back as a roving sub, when his schedule permits. Bill Hall, Mike's dad, has joined Team 6 "Trouble" as a 4th member, to sub for Mike when he's on the road and can't bowl. 

Super Splits! 
Kathy Wyrwas picked up a 1-10 washout. 
None others reported. If you make a split or a washout, write it somewhere on your score sheet so it'll get reported here! 

USBC Achievement Awards  
Two more awards this week! Congratulations!
Kevin Gault and Stacey Liddy both earned a 180-199 Game patch. Kevin's is for his Game 2 high score of 194, and Stacey's is for her Game 2 high score of 190. 
Tip!  I mail the award forms about every 3-4 weeks to the local Metro Detroit USBC office. As soon as the award trinkets arrive, I'll hand them out.

September Birthdays!! 
Happy birthday to all of you celebrating in September: Tony, Reneι, Mike, and Denise D. Check out the birthday list for more! 

Week 2 – September 17, 2008

6 Games Played = Actual Averages Now Available 
Most of us now have bowled the required 6 games needed to create an actual average for this league. The "new averages" are printed on Page 2 of this week's standing sheet, on the right side of the page. 

Super Splits!  
Lil Path made the 3-10.
Ray Card made the 4-7-9. 
Tony Kryka picked up the spare on a 1-9-10 washout. 
Guyla Kryka made the 2-7. 
Kathy Wyrwas made the 2-5-7. 

USBC Achievement Awards  
None earned this week. 

Bowling in the news: 
"Milwaukee bowling alley, the oldest in the nation, celebrates 100th anniversary with reunion" 

Links open in new window. 

Week 1 – September 10, 2008

Week 1 Results.  Weekly results are posted here. (Link from the home page is in the 2nd column.) 

League Rules. The league rules document is updated as we agreed at the pre-season meeting on Sept 3. View it here. Plus the home page has a link in the right-most column. 

Santo Lupo made the 2-4-10 and a 3-4-6-7. 
Dennis Todic made the 6-7-10. 
Kathy Wyrwas made the 4-7-10. 
Tip!  If you made a split and want to see it reported here, write it somewhere on your score sheet! 

USBC Achievement Awards.  We're getting awards already, looks like this will be a good season! 
Dan Finkelstein earned a 200-249 game patch for his Game 1 score of 209. 
Dave Liddy also earned a 200-249 game patch, for a score of 231 in Game 3. This same game also earned Dave a 75 Pins Over Average award! 
Tip!  I save up these awards for a few weeks at a time, then send them in to the local Metro Detroit USBC office for processing every 3-4 weeks. As soon as the award trinkets arrive, I hand them out. 

September 8, 2008

Hello Bowlers! Welcome back for the new season!

Rosters: We've got 11 teams this year, including the return of some familiar faces and quite a few new ones as well. An empty team standings sheet (with rosters) is available here to get us started on Week 1.

Lanes: We are tentatively starting on Lanes 17-18 this year. But it may change at the last minute, depending on how many teams the adjacent men's team will bring on Sept 10. The lane assignment chart is posted here

Fees: Don't forget that your USBC certification fee is due on Week 1. This fee is still $19. Our league weekly dues remain $10, plus a one-time additional payment of $10 to cover the increased lineage fee (while still maintaining the same levels in our prize fund). First and last week's dues are due by our 3rd week of bowling. If you wish to get all of these start-up fees out of the way on Week 1, the total is $49.  If you pay by check, make your check payable to "Unisys Mixed Bowling League". All fees can go on the same check; our Treasurer splits it up to where it needs to go. 

USBC will no longer accept credit cards as a payment method on the certification application card. You may still use this payment method if you pay for your USBC membership online at bowl.com.

League Rules: Revised file to be posted shortly. Check the main screen for the link. 

Lucky Strike Game: As discussed at the pre-season meeting, we are altering how we play this game. Lucky Strike will now be played "progressive" style. Tickets not drawn on any given day will remain in the pot instead of being discarded each week. This means the more you play, the better your chances are of getting your ticket pulled!!  When someone rolls the Lucky Strike, only then will all tickets be discarded. ~~ Also, remember to write your name on the tickets you drop in the pot. This way you don't have to save your ticket stubs from week to week. 

Pre-season news and announcements still available!  Click here to read


Updated on 03/27/2009