Unisys Mixed Bowling League 2003-2004

Weekly News and Announcements -- Summer 2004

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August 10, 2004

New Rules To Consider Adopting:  Amendments J-1, J-3, and J-5

The WIBC Legislative Committee met jointly with the ABC Rules Committee on October 4, 2003 to review, discuss and recommend changes to the ABC/WIBC Playing Rules. The joint committee also reviewed suggested codifications to the rules book. Changes took effect August 1, 2004. Some of the amendments may affect how our league operates (i.e. our league rules) and are listed below.  Please read them, and bring your ideas and opinions to the pre-season meeting on Sept 8. We have the option to adopt these new rules if we so choose. 

Brief descriptions of certain amendments are quoted from the Fall 2004 issue of American Bowler magazine:

  • Amendment J-1, Managed Leagues 
    This rule allows an individual designated as the "league manager" to oversee operations of the league, including such duties as creating and enforcing league rules, establishing and distributing the prize fund, and resolving disputes.  While the rule gives the league manager significant power, it also includes traditional safeguards to ensure the league operates under ABC/WIBC rules. 

  • Amendment J-3, Revision to Rule 100e, Handicap Leagues 
    This amendment resolves situations where bowlers are unable to establish averages according to league rules. Under Rule 100e, a bowler who does not bowl the number of games required by league rule to establish an average is handicapped off a figure of 120, which is only fair for a 120-average bowler.  The new rule allows the league to determine handicap for the bowler based on complete games bowled, even if less than those required by league rule. 

  • Amendment J-5, Revision to Rule 114a, Withdrawals/Resignations 
    This amendment allows bowlers who have properly withdrawn from the league to return to bowl on the same team without a vote of the league's team captains. This rule makes it easier if a person who has changed jobs or may be serving in military duty to quit the league for justifiable cause and return without difficulty if circumstances change. 

Full text of all proposed amendments is located at: http://www.bowlingmembership.com/pdf/WIBC_04DelegatesHandbook.pdf 

Decisions to accept or reject them are posted at: 

USBC is Coming January 1, 2005. What Will Change? 

On January 1, 2005, ABC, WIBC, YABA, and USA Bowling will merge to create the long-awaited United States Bowling Congress -- the USBC.  The changes we see at our level will be minimal. For example: 

  • The average you have earned by December 31, 2004, plus any awards and achievements, will carry over to the USBC. 
  • The ABC and WIBC award and recognition programs will continue. 
  • The sanction card you will receive at the start of the season will still say "ABC" or "WIBC". New USBC sanction cards will be issued starting with the 2005-06 season. 

For more details on changes to the board of directors, annual meetings, etc., check out the latest USBC news at www.bowl.com

Sweepstakes and Promotions 
Did you know that you can win a free game of bowling from Baby Ruth, Banquet, or Days Inn?  Or that you can get an ABC/WIBC credit card from Bank One? OR that you can get a 4-5% discount on a new Gateway PC?  Check out the "Sweepstakes and Promotions" section (in the right-side column) of www.bowl.com

 August Birthdays 
Lots of birthday greetings go out this month!!  Chris Vance (Aug 1), Vince Hoh (Aug 13), Sue Hodor (Aug 22), Kevin Murphy (Aug 24), Amber McMillen (Aug 25), John Oliverio (Aug 28), and Dan McMillen (Sept 1). 

July 13, 2004

Team Roster Changes 
Now looking for replacement players.... John Oliverio and Adrienne Ray have decided not to return to the league for 2004-2005. Not sure what their teammate Ron Nastal's plans are.

 July Birthdays 
Celebrating birthdays this month are: Jeff Shoemaker (July 13) and Jill Conway (July 26). 

June 11, 2004

Merger of ABC and WIBC is approved! 

The combined organization will be known as the USBC (United States Bowling Congress). Merging will start at the national level, and then move to the state and local levels. However, merging at state and local levels (i.e. GDBA and DWBA) will NOT be automatic!! It must be voted upon by the respective organizations. This vote will take place no later than May 31, 2005.  That will be one association meeting not to be missed, so you can cast your vote and express YOUR preference whether GDBA and DWBA should merge -- or not. I will pass on to you a meeting notice as soon as I receive it. 

For the upcoming 2004-2005 season, sanctioning (and honor awards) will still be through the separate GDBA and DWBA organizations. If the local merger is voted upon, then the first season to sanction under USBC would be 2005-2006. 

Everything you could possibly want to know about the new USBC organization (e.g. bylaws, news, FAQs, forums)  is posted at the USBC section of the bowl.com web site

June Birthdays 
We have no birthdays to celebrate this month.  

May 13, 2004 

GDBA Annual Meeting: Saturday May 15

The Greater Detroit Bowling Association (GDBA) is holding its annual meeting at 1:00pm this Saturday at Taylor Lanes (24800 Eureka Rd, Taylor; 734-946-9092). IT IS IMPORTANT THAT ALL LEAGUES HAVE REPRESENTATION.  Agenda for the meeting includes: 

  • Approval of the 2004-2005 budget

  • Election of directors and officers (for the GDBA Board of Directors).  Polls open from 11:30am till 1:00 pm on May 15. 

  • Recap of tournament results

  • Awarding of association honors 

Bowling Magazines 

GDBA members (and league secretaries!) receive American Bowler magazine four times a year. It includes articles on ABC business, pro bowlers, and lots of great tips to improve your game.  (The magazine that DWBA members receive is a lot more "fluff" than this one.) This information isn't just for men, so ladies, please seek out a copy if you are interested.

You may also want to check out the once-a-month Bowlers' Journal International. It includes tips and instruction, product reviews and announcements, and more.  www.bowlersjournal.com

Upcoming Tournaments 
Tournaments to think about if you want to add bowling to a road trip, or make bowling the REASON for a road trip: 

  • $250,000 Storm® National Mixed Tournament, Reno, NV.  August–October 2004. To be held at Reno's legendary National Bowling Stadium. For information and registration, visit www.nationalmixed.com

  • 102nd ABC Championships, Baton Rouge, LA.  February 12–June 25, 2005. Includes a division for 180 averages and under. Visit www.abctournament.com for details. 

Reminder: Officer Nominations for 2004-2005 Season 
If you recall, nominations for next season's officers were solicited at the banquet. I had heard through the grapevine that there was some confusion at the time, so I hope this explains what occurred. It just so happened that only one person was nominated (and was interested) in each office. But these were nominations only. The actual voting will take place at the pre-season meeting in September (the week prior to the first week of bowling). If you do want to be included on the ballot, please contact the 2003-2004 secretary

Additionally, if you have suggestions to amend any of our league rules (e.g. handicapping, how to handle Week 25 and overall season team standings), be sure to attend the pre-season meeting to let your voice be heard. I will be glad to help you communicate your suggestions to the league ahead of time, if you like. 

May Birthdays 
We have no birthdays to celebrate this month.  

Announcements From Weeks 1-12 and Weeks 13-25 Have Been Archived 


Updated on 08/10/2004